kate chillin', curled up in a "blankie" watching BOZ the green bear next door...a cute dvd series full of daily lessons about how God gave us wonderful imaginations...she has now started laying on the floor, points to the ceiling saying "sky" and starts naming the objects she is using her imagination to see...frosty the snowman always makes the list!
she spent nearly all thursday coloring...this is but a small sample of what she accomplished
so i slammed my finger in that car door wednesday night. not sure how, but it happened and now my index fingernail is lovely shades of the rainbow. whenever kate sees my finger she gives it kisses and prays for my boo boo. sweet girl.
showing off her muscles! this is a new pose she strikes whenever the word "strong" is used. she flexes her muscles and states "daddy"?, "papa"?...i guess she was paying attention when i told her daddy was going over to work out at papa's house to get strong
she is the cutest thing!!