Wednesday, April 25, 2012

one week, a good week

so, i was supposed to be heading to the hospital to be induced tonight. my plans to have my hair cut and highlights placed, michael's plans for preparing for his message on sunday, a date night with my husband had been arranged with a dear friend asking to watch our kids, two more 12's working in the er...all changed in a moment. who would have guessed that last wednesday would start as usual, then shifting rather dramatically with my water breaking with a few "cramps" (i suppose they were coming in regular intervals of 5 minutes, but why should that keep me from going to work, right?) at 9am and having a baby 4 hours later. our sweet new bundle surprised us over a week early... Levi "Thomas" arrived april 18, 2012 at 1:13pm, 7 lbs 9 oz, 20 in long and is perfect, absolutely perfect. the Lord has been gracious to us, not only with a healthy baby, but with a transition that has so far been so smooth, a big brother and sister who cannot get enough of thomas and an infant who wants to eat every 4 hrs, not any sooner, making those early morning feedings not quite as bad as i remember. now that doesn't mean i haven't had my moments and that the kids have forgotten how to melt down, but at the end of the day, when all three sweet kiddos are tucked into bed michael and i can honestly just look at each other and marvel at the blessing of God.


  1. he is so cute!
    and look at all that hair!!!
    and you look great!
    love you guys!

  2. Congratulations to you and your fam! Thomas is beautiful!!

  3. The Molloy family has a great gene pool to give us another such adoreable grandbaby. Our little Tommy is soo cute and good looking. God is so good and we all rejoice with you Michael, Kristen, Kate and Joseph with your precious new addition. Can't wait to hold him and bless him in a few weeks.

    Papa T and Mama Lyn

  4. He is soooo cute!!! ahhh congrats!!

  5. oh my goodness you have the cutest kids ever! thomas is so precious and handsome! congrats sweet mama of 3!!
