Started with a few snowflakes on the windows...
...a few new decorations to add to the tree to remember these precious faces in years to come...
...the tree, re-decorated numerous times by Kate and Joseph
...and last but not least...
My boy taking a much needed break after all that heard work :o)
Then there was the memorable Thanksgiving Day attempt at taking Christmas pics. So didn't happen.
Just some silly time inbetween the Christmas School Program. Angels We Have
Heard on High will forever have a special place in Kate's heart since she got to wear the "biggest angels wings" least that is how she saw it.
Christmas celebrations began a week early for the kids with some friendly visitors who came bearing some awesome gifts. Thanks, Mom and Dad for all the pj's, books, gingerbread houses and trains, pony rides and tons of love!
Christmas Eve brought more time spent with family and of course, presents too!
The role playing was too cute to watch. Joseph usually was delagated to be a shepherd or cow, but he didn't seem to mind as long as he was able to be a part.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may you know the peace of our God all the year long!