A bit behind in my updates...three weeks ago we joined my family for a much needed vacation in Newport Beach. While there, we spent time in Crystal Cove, eating burgers and sipping shakes from Ruby's Diner, s'mores, walking the nature trails along the beautiful coast (the kids went crazy when they saw lizards, road runners, families of quail, sea urchins and more),upscale dining double date with my folks while Lauren stayed home and put the kids to bed(thanks Sis!), birthday celebrations and ferris wheel at our new favorite mall in Cali (the Spectrum--Nina you have to go there!). My parents were gracious enough to let us stay at there gorgeous and expansive timeshare. Needless to say we had a blast!!! Michael being impatient with my camera-happiness...get on the ride already...Kate and Joesph LOVED it! Girl's time- a special treat Holding her ladybug chocolate we brought her from Laguna
i am acutely aware that i have failed to blog about our recent trip to california and have been reminded of such by a certain friend on several occasions--the full details are soon to come Nina! :o) this week has been busy jumping back into our life as we know it and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. but this life is great, we are joyful and smiling (well, unless i am hungry, then i am not so joyful or full of smiles), we are healthy and so very blessed to have such an amazing family and supportive friends. anyway, here is just one picture i had the opportunity to load tonight...more to follow!